If you are interested in talking to us about our programs, please feel free to reach out to Victoria at email; victoria@vgfevents.com and or call 650-291-8841.
In 2005 Solid Rock Outreach started serving the community by offering programs specifically focused on at risk young ladies. We’ve developed programs that provided a safe environment for these girls to meet on a weekly basis. Our young ladies participated in self-defense courses, mentoring, crafting, tutoring, camping, water skiing, bowling, art, and spiritual growth activities. We always end our programs with prayer encouraging girls to seek God for guidance.
We’ve recently added some new programs that include: life coaching, mentoring, weekend camps and retreats, web conferencing sessions, and group coaching all targeted to help young ladies grow spiritually, mentally, relationally and emotionally. All of our programs are bible-based and serve a diverse population of young ladies ranging from the ages of 12 – 23 years.
We are committed to providing programs that allow young ladies the ability to recognize their self-worth and to prepare them with tools that will help them reach their full God-given potential.
Many of the young ladies that attend our programs participate in local churches or have a background centered around God. Our goal is to continue to build upon their knowledge and understanding of who God is in their life and how they can work through any struggle they encounter.
SRO became a 501 (3) c non-profit organization in 2006. In 2009 the SRO founders purchased a ranch in Newcastle, California and has allowed SRO to host their camps and retreats on this beautiful 5+ acre ranch.
We want each person that comes to The Rock (Solid Rock Outreach) to know that they are loved unconditionally. This is our desire because this is how God loves us. He loved us first, and continues to love us despite all of our imperfections. We want everyone to know that God has created each of them as individuals, with different and unique gifts and traits. Our programs are age specific. They are geared to break through the clutter of life and focus on how to approach the common struggles girls experience.
Our Vision: Help Girls Discover Their Potential And Imagine New Possibilities