Author Archives: solidrockoutreach

As we all deal with the changes that Covid 19 has literally thrown at us, we must remind ourselves that this is a season of the testing of our Faith. So many uncertainties! One thing that is certain, God holds our future. When we turn all of our cares on him, we can be certain […]

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God’s promises for us have been spoken.. It’s not always easy staying on track and close to your Creator.  We get wrapped up in school, work and or just life.  You can usually tell that something is not right when you start to feel distant.  You can’t remember the last time you said more than […]

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Low Self-Esteem is a real problem… Let’s first start off with the definition of low self-esteem from Webster dictionary. “A thinking disorder in which someone views themselves as inadequate, unlovable, and incompetent. Low self-esteem can affect every thought producing self defeating behavior and negative thoughts”. Some Statistics on what may happen if someone were to […]

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Peer Pressure is a huge struggle kids face everyday at school.  Recently, I witnessed a situation where a teenage girl was accused by a so called friend of hacking in to a mutual  friends Instagram.  The girl who actually hacked in to the Instagram lied about what was done and so easily blamed her friend!  […]

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How many of us can say that we honestly know God?  If you know God its because you are picking up the bible and are doing everything possible to understand his word. If you know God, then you know that he is our PEACE.. Stop asking for things you already have.. – We are loved […]

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“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”  This is the first and greatest commandment.  (Matthew 22:37-38) This verse doesn’t say Jesus I want you to love the Lord with whatever is left of your heart, soul, and mind. Jesus wants us to love […]

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So your walk with God has become distant and you’re feeling lost, alone, confused and just not able to function. You’re wondering, what am I doing, where am I going? I’m so lost and not focused. I’ve lost my way! Often the fast pace of life and its worries get the best of us, and […]

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A parent’s mistakes are often reflected in the lives of their children. In the life of King David (2 Sam 15:1-13) he saw a bitter replay and amplification of many of his own past sins through his son Absalom. God had warned David that his family would suffer because of his sins against Bathsheba and […]

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Is There A Reason To Question Evolution, we believe there is. Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed with questions about the whole Evolution Theory but can’t really defend or provide a good argument to support your feelings? Read on.. There are many people who think that humans were created in God’s image, like it says […]

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Often we are faced with the challenge of making the right choice not the easy choice. The right choice is usually clear and it always aligns us with God’s word. Making the right choice might not be the popular choice and it might put you in an uncomfortable situation, but it will be a choice […]

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I’ve been looking for ways to continue my efforts towards making a difference in the world! I think I found another way to help people grow their knowledge and understanding of who God is and can be in their lives. With that in mind, I decided to complete my training as a “professional christian life […]

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It was 4:30 am when I started the research on this passage and came upon this commentary and verses. I think the storyline is powerful and it certainly comes at a good time as we all make a decision to start the New Year off victoriously! If we are struggling with the temptation of sin […]

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Why do we fail to follow Christ when he wants to bless us? Luke 9: 57,58 talks about denying ourselves and follow Him. Self interest continues to over shadow doing God’s will. In this passage, the people who said they wanted to follow Christ couldn’t stop worrying about things and wanted to do other things […]

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Good morning, well at least it’s morning for me as I write this. I thought I’d share some thoughts that came from the book Killing Giants written by Chuck Swindoll. I hope you find these little messages and thoughts helpful. The topic is about fear. Ever met this beast? Sure you have, it creeps in […]

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You’ve heard the phrase before it’s almost cliche but I have to say it, “We have to step out of our comfort zone.” I believe that God is asking many of us to step out in faith and give him a chance! What do you have to lose? While it’s easy to focus on the […]

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