You’ve heard the phrase before it’s almost cliche but I have to say it, “We have to step out of our comfort zone.” I believe that God is asking many of us to step out in faith and give him a chance! What do you have to lose? While it’s easy to focus on the spiritual implications of this we must realize that stepping out and taking calculated risks are an integral part of life. God doesn’t call us to step out only in matters of faith but in matters of the heart as well. God is interested in us as a whole person not just the spiritual stuff. But how do you know which risks to take or how to step out? This is the beauty of experiencing life with God.
Many people will never really get to know God because they are not willing to give him a try. The blessings and beautiful things he has in store for you, you’ll never really know or understand because you see him as a distant figure with no power, when in fact he has the ability to do all things. Even rescue you!
We so often want to fix the problem ourselves by trying everything in the world except for God. When God is standing by with his arms wide open saying, just try me and know that I am God.
I’m a living testimony that God can rescue people if we give him a try, he rescued me and I am forever grateful.